Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Christmas 2013

We thought that since the Christmas pictures from last year came out so cute, we'd give it a shot again this year, taking them ourselves at home. But since they are mobile this year, it didn't go quite as smoothly, lol. 

p.s.- we had professional pictures taken right before Christmas but have not gotten them back yet. We will mail more pictures when we finally get them :)

Okay, here is our home attempt at taking the boys' pictures:

It started as expected, with a smack to the head to make sure everyone is in a good mood!

 That was followed with a close up inspection and tasting of the Christmas lights

We then managed to capture the coveted 'Deer in Headlights' look

And then we just had fun :)

Then it was break time for some milk and playing with our feet & Christmas lights time

 The boys were shocked that we put a tree up- right in the living room! Dominic expresses it best, I think.

Derek was surprised at all the little toys hanging on the tree just waiting to be plucked off and played with. He didn't really care that they were called 'ornaments', it just meant more fun for him!

Finally Christmas rolled around! We had a small family party at our house:

And then finally it was Christmas Eve! The boys saw A Christmas Story for the first time and were so excited for Santa to come!

At long last, Christmas morning rolled around. Santa brought the boys a new playhouse and they also got new blocks, a pizza kitchen, a roller coaster, books, music, and many toys. The boys are so loved that they receive gifts from so many people. We are so blessed in so many ways.

Here is a little video of the boys hanging out in their new house eating breakfast. Dominic is the one on the left letting our dog Applesauce pre-lick his food, Derek is on the right, just hanging out.

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