Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6 Weeks Old!

When the boys turned six weeks old, they started being much more alert and staying awake longer during the day. They also started smiling on purpose, which made it much harder to get anything done except stare at them all day!
Dominic in the stripes, Derek in blue- helping mommy work in the office!
Derek in his bouncy seat, who is absolutely too cute for his bodysuit!
Dominic on the left, Derek on the right
Dominic doesn't need a pacifier!
Wearing their matching crab outfits for the last time because they outgrew them so fast!
Applesauce snuggling up with her baby Dominic before I shooed her off the blanket. The dogs are so good with the babies- very calm and not jealous at all. But we don't actually let them sleep with the babies, we just thought it was a cute picture for a minute :)

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