Friday, July 20, 2012

Welcome Home Boys! July 11, 2012

After a week in Philadelphia, we finally got the call that we were allowed to go back to Florida and we were on a plane by noon the next day. The boys did fantastic on the short flight and when we got to the airport, my mom, sister, aunt, and cousin were all there waiting with balloons and signs. It was so sweet! Another friend met us there to take pictures but I haven't seen them yet. 

Then we were finally home!

The view from the door of the boys' room

The mural that my sister and I painted together
We thoroughly enjoyed all the amenities that home had to offer, like swings and cribs and enough bottles to make them up for an entire day instead of washing bottles 4 times a day, yay!

Yep, that's 16 bottles a day! Our boys can eat!
And we got together pictures for the birth announcements. We did 3 picture collages- one of the boys together and then one of each boy separately. 

This is the one of the boys together:

Dominic's announcement:

And Derek's announcement:

All in all, it is good to be home!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Black & White photos

Being house-bound in Philly with a camera meant we had lots of time to take pics! Here are a few really cute b&w pictures.

Celebrating one week at home! July 7, 2012

After being home from the hospital for an entire week and doing so well, we all were going a little stir crazy so we decided to take a field trip to someplace that wasn't crowded and had air conditioning, since it was still 90 degrees in Philly! So we headed to the Philadelphia Seaport Museum for our first embarrassing pictures of the boys!

Like this one:

And this one:

This guy was a cardboard cut-out but he looks so real!

And we got to try out our Moby wrap

Little Dominic
And we even had lunch- and promptly fell asleep afterwards!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bathtime! July 4, 2012

Big day in the house yesterday- the boys' first bath! We waited until after dinner so the kitchen was about 90 degrees and the boys would be nice and warm. They seemed to really like the water, but wasn't so sure about the tub! 

Dominic was up first

Then it was Derek's turn for the tub! Both peed immediately, lol.

Hanging out after the bath! Dominic is on the left & Derek on the right. Cutie patooties!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Home from the Hospital

Heading out of the hospital on Saturday- the boys got their first look at the big world out there!

Even though they have their eyes shut in this picture, they had their eyes wide open the whole way out to the car and were looking all around them!

Don't worry Derek, you can just use my hand!

Bobby doing the Kanga-care with the boys- best moment of his life, according to him :) We took the blanket off just long enough to see the cutest diapered booties in town!

Mr. Dominic

Mr. Derek

We made it to Philly and now have our very own Pack & Play to chill out in until we head home to Florida. 

Dominic & Derek. But don't worry, they are far apart enough that they don't re-breath each other's air. 

So as of today, they are still eating like champs & pooping like babies twice their size, lol. We are all adjusting to our new schedules a little better so by the time we get home to Florida, we may actually look like we know what we're doing! We are going to give them their first sponge bath tonight on the back deck so we'll post more pics in the next few days. Time flies when you're on baby time, so we have been finding out!