Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Merry Christmas Mommy Melissa and everyone up in PA!
For our Christmas photos, I set up the backdrop in the living room and we did the pictures ourselves so we have so really cute candids too :)
Getting ready for picture time- Dominic was feeling a little down because of his teeth

Test photo- flying baby!

Daddy getting Derek all ready for his pictures

Derek and Daddy

Now it's time for the boys' pictures- get ready for some extreme cuteness!
Derek warms up for the camera! What a cutie!
Derek on the left, Dominic on the right, rocking the Christmas hats!

Derek's solo photo for the night!

Dominic was more interested in chewing on his hand, LOL!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

November Pictures

One of my friends made the comment that as the boys get chubbier, they just keep getting cuter! In November we were eating cereal and baby fruits and veggies, trying to sit up all the time, got to try out some cold weather clothes as we got some cold fronts coming through, and stayed the happiest and healthiest babies in town!

Here are our amazing dumplings in their new owl hats- Derek on the left, Dominic on the right. We love the expressions on their faces, priceless!

We went with our entire family (sister's family, grandparents, aunts, uncles) to see the Christmas lights at the Botanical Gardens and it was chilly for us, so we got to bundle the boys up and use the adorable owl hats. The boys got more attention from everyone than the lights! One lady even thought we were carrying dolls around- they were so cute she didn't think they were real babies! They are real, just twice as cute and sweet as the average baby :)

Grandma and Derek ready for the day!

This is how we keep warm on our morning walks on cold days!

Happy Thanksgiving! Daddy and his little turkeys are ready to gobble gobble lots of food! We  had Thanksgiving dinner with about 20 of our relatives who just love holding these two little men. Everyone always comments on what happy babies they are because they never cry but they are honestly happy as long as someone is holding them and they get their bottles!

We have so much to be thankful for but these two little guys and Mommy Melissa is what we are grateful for each and every day. Dominic is on the left and Derek is on the right.

Gotta get our tummy time in! Dominic on left, Derek on the right. The boys are finally growing some hair back!

Dominic makes tummy time look easy!

The boys in their Little Peanuts outfits that Bobby's mother's friend hand embroidered for them. They were a little tight- they looked like little muscle shirts at this point! But the hats sure are cute :)

Derek started holding his own bottle this month- we are SO excited!!

Dominic sending his first tweet. This picture is so cute it's almost unfair to other babies.

Derek in his new pair of Baby Legs! We call this the Hot Dog look since he has flames on this legs and a doggy on his onesie. I colored my hair red, so the red head in the upcoming December pictures will be me :)

And the best for last- my favorite picture of the boys wearing their tiny little overalls! Derek on the left and Dominic on the right. At the end of the month, the boys were weighing in at about 16 lbs each. Healthy happy babies, and truly the loves of our lives!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012!

We decided for the boys' first Halloween that since we will be trick-or-treating with their cousin, we would coordinate outfits. So the boys were cowboys and their cousin was an Indian! And they were the cutest cowpokes on the block, according to everyone we met that night!

We started the day off in our pumpkin pj's- these are so cute, they have pumpkins on the feet and booty! Derek on the left looks like he's not too sure about the camera :)
Getting ready to trick-or-treat, their big cousin shows off her Indian costume and new doll
The cowboys and Indian together!
All the trick-or-treaters! From left to right: my mom, me holding Derek, the boys' cousin Echo, Bobby holding Dominic, and my sister. Our other sister made all of us Halloween skirts and hats to wear so we all look pretty festive!

Proud parents of the two most adorable cowboys on earth! I finished sewing their costumes approximately 20 minutes before these pictures were taken, lol! We hope you had a great Halloween this year, we love you!

October Pictures

Here are some pictures and highlights from October. It was a big month for the boys! They turned 4 months old, started eating cereal and fruit, and had their first Halloween! I'll post the Halloween pics in a new post, but here are our little cuties!
Our little Tiggers, Derek on the left, Dominic on the right
All three boys ready for Daddy Friday! Derek on left, Dominic on right
Sunset at the pier. I'm holding Derek, Bobby is holding Dominic.
Our first trip to the park! It finally went below 80 degrees so we went for a walk to enjoy the breeze! Dominic is on top, Derek is on the bottom.
Daddy's little 'French Fry' Derek, trying on hats at the store!
Not to be outdone, Dominic shows off his adorable smile wearing his hat too!
Look at our big boys, eating cereal in their high chairs for the first time! Dominic on the left, Derek on the right
They like the food, but they don't like how long it takes to get it in them using a spoon, LOL!
Dominic with his remote control, ready to watch football with daddy!
Our two favorite men in the whole world! Dominic on the left, Derek on the right. Sooo cute!